Days to Deliver


Customisation Tool

The Need For change

Imperfect Pointes, a leading leotard and dancewear manufacturer in the UK, faced challenges with achieving a conversion rate above 1% on their website. Their custom leotard builder, while innovative, was overly confusing and failed to convert effectively. In response, we undertook a comprehensive conversion rate optimisation (CRO) strategy to improve their online performance.

What we did

We began by conducting a thorough analysis of their website and identified areas for improvement. This included cleaning up their collections and products to streamline the browsing experience and make it easier for customers to find what they're looking for. To enhance user experience (UX) and simplify the customisation process, we developed a new build-a-leotard tool. This intuitive tool guides customers through the customisation process step-by-step, making it easier for them to design their perfect leotard.

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