
Our average conversion rate is >4% across 25 stores.

Our ecom sites are industry leading. Our background in behavioural economics allows us to curate ideal customer flows that guide users through the purchasing journey and maximise conversions.

All of our ecom sites are built using the Shopify ecosystem - we can help with new stores, replatforming, Shopify Plus migrations, Shopify App development and Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO).

our specialities

what we can do for you.

Enhanced conversion structure

This has been achieved by implementing our tried and tested conversion maximisation page structure across all core pages, Home, Collection and PDP. Our background in behavioural economics allows us to deep dive into choice architecture, nudging prospects into primary pathways to maximise conversion and revenue.

Low click to action

The primary objective when optimising for conversion is to reduce friction. This can be achieved by mapping all core customer flows, and reducing clicks as low as possible. We want a prospect to land on site, find the item they require and checkout in under 5 clicks.

Super Smooth Navigation and Search

Using a mega-menu, collection index, AJAX search with search recommendations and dynamic buy now buttons can help us achieve a <5 click to conversion. The mega-menu should allow users the choice of multiple browsing methods, and also highlight key collections.

Customer retention strategy

Returning customer rate is an often overlooked metric by store owners. By implementing effective customer retention strategies, store owners can maximise customer lifetime value and boost revenue. This can be achieved using core email marketing flows, loyalty programmes, VIP segmentation and more.

Inventory Harmonisation

A great way to boost average order value is to offer prospects product bundles. The problem of inventory harmonization can occur if bundles are not properly setup. We ensure all bundles on our builds are harmonized inventory, meaning you're less likely to be caught out by out of stock items.

Social Proof

The days of static testimonials handpicked by brands to influence consumers are gone. We use automated reviewing software to build large product specific reviews, with imagery and videography included. We also install UGC feeds linked directly to your Tiktok, coupled with a healthy on-site referral scheme, you're on to a winner.

making tech simple

Built for conversions

Our results speak for us with this one - an average of 4% Conversion Rate across our managed sites is a testament to our knowledge of behavioural economics and user centric design. We specialise in ensuring every touchpoint is simple, navigable and provides all purchase intent information required.

Let's Build Let's Build Let's Build let's Build

Let's build let's build let's build let's build

our tech partners

leveraging only the best software for your tech.

We have rigorously trialed and tested software solutions throughout our business journey, long preceding MARCA.

Over time, we've honed our selection to include only trusted partners and software platforms proven effective for each specific project requirement. Continuously, we actively seek out innovative tools, software, and integrations to further enhance our technological capabilities, propelling us to new heights of efficiency and effectiveness.

No items found.

The price of success


Recommended for stores with <£50k revenue PCM
Delivered within 20 days
Shopify 2.0 theme installation
Payment merchant set up
Social store integrations
Products and collections uploaded
Hands off hosting and launch


Recommended for stores with >£50k revenue PCM
Delivered within 40 days
All entry features
Marketing automations
Social store integrations
Loyalty scheme
BNPL - Buy now pay later installation


Recommended for stores with >£100k revenue PCM
Delivered within 60 days
All growth features
Bespoke design creation
Mobile App for IOS & android
Product 3D renders
Integration with legacy ERPs

Hear what our clients
have to say.


If you still have questions, give us a call!

Is e-commerce over-saturated?

While the e-commerce market is competitive, it's not necessarily over-saturated. With the right strategy, niche targeting, and unique value proposition, businesses can still thrive in the e-commerce space. Conducting thorough market research and offering innovative products or services can help businesses stand out in the crowd.

What is the best e-commerce platform?

The best e-commerce platform depends on individual business needs, budget, and technical expertise. However, at MARCA we have a preference for Shopify due to its user-friendly interface, extensive app ecosystem, and scalability. There’s a reason it’s the fastest growing e-commerce platform.

Why is Shopify so popular?

Shopify's popularity stems from its user-friendly interface, extensive app ecosystem, and scalability. It offers customisable themes, secure payment gateways, and robust inventory management tools, making it ideal for businesses of all sizes. Additionally, Shopify provides excellent customer support and resources to help entrepreneurs succeed in the e-commerce space.

How do I start selling on Shopify?

Starting an e-commerce store on Shopify is straightforward. Sign up for a Shopify account, choose a domain name, select a theme, add products, set up payment and shipping methods, and launch your store. Shopify offers step-by-step guidance and tutorials to help beginners navigate the setup process seamlessly.

What are the components of conversion rate optimisation?

Conversion rate optimisation (CRO) involves improving the percentage of website visitors who complete desired actions, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. Key components of CRO include conducting data-driven analysis, optimising website design and user experience, creating compelling calls-to-action (CTAs), implementing A/B testing, and leveraging customer feedback to make informed decisions.

Who needs conversion rate optimisation?

Conversion rate optimisation is essential for any business with an online presence looking to maximise its website's effectiveness. Whether you're an e-commerce store, a B2B service provider, or a content publisher, optimising conversion rates can help increase sales, leads, and overall ROI. By continually refining your website's performance, you can better engage visitors and drive desired actions.

What is a good conversion rate on my website?

A good conversion rate on your website depends on various factors, including your industry, target audience, and the specific goals of your website. The ideal rate varies based on your business objectives. It's essential to track and analyse your website's performance regularly to identify areas for improvement and optimise your conversion rates over time.

Why is conversion rate a good KPI?

Conversion rate is a vital Key Performance Indicator (KPI) because it directly reflects the effectiveness of your website or marketing efforts in converting visitors into customers or achieving other desired actions, such as sign-ups or purchases. Monitoring conversion rates allows you to assess the impact of changes to your website, marketing strategies, or user experience, helping you make data-driven decisions to optimise conversions and ultimately drive business growth.

Is Shopify good for beginners?

Yes, Shopify is an excellent platform for beginners looking to start an online store. Its user-friendly interface makes it easy for beginners to set up and manage their online stores without the need for advanced technical skills. Additionally, Shopify offers comprehensive support resources, including tutorials, guides, and a robust community, to help beginners navigate the e-commerce landscape effectively.

Is Shopify free to sell on?

No, Shopify is not entirely free to sell on, but it offers various pricing plans to accommodate different business needs and budgets. While there are costs associated with using Shopify, such as monthly subscription fees and transaction fees for payment processing, the benefits of selling on Shopify often outweigh the costs. Shopify provides a reliable and feature-rich platform that streamlines the process of managing an online store, with the potential to drive significant sales volume and growth. Additionally, the scalability and flexibility of Shopify make it a worthwhile investment for businesses looking to establish a professional online presence and maximise their e-commerce potential.